Dart Groups and Organizations
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ADO – American Darts Organization
The ADO began operation January 1, 1976 with 30 charter member clubs and a membership of 7,500 players. Today, the ADO has a membership that averages 250 clubs on a yearly basis representing roughly 50,000 members.
CDC – Championship Darts Corporation
To provide unparalleled opportunities for top darts players of all ages to compete against each other regularly; to enable developing talent to realize their full potential by competing with the best; to identify the next generation of top-qualify North American darters; to bring darts into mainstream consciousness on this continent by creating a fan-base outside of current darts enthusiasts and to provide the best players at all levels with opportunities to compete internationally that cannot be found anywhere else on the continent.
The DartConnect Mission
“Get more people, to play more darts, more often”
That is what a small group of dart enthusiasts set out to do with DartConnect. The game of darts has a great legacy with a strong social bond. Occasionally, even 100 year old traditions require a makeover. It’s time to replace the chalkboard.
Darts for Kids NFP is a non-for-profit 501c3 charity set up to help families with children that have severe medical needs. Our organization assits families nationwide, and without donations from companies and individuals this would not be possible. Darts for kids nor its board members make any money, we are 100% for the kids, meaning everything raised goes directly back to families and children. We know that we cannot touch these family’s medical bills, but we are here to help with the day to day expenses. We try to help these families to be able to spend the time they need just focusing on their child.
MVDO – Mississippi Valley Darting Organization
The name of this organization shall be the Mississippi Valley Darting Organization (known as the MVDO), a non-profit organization to be incorporated under the laws for the State of Missouri. The purpose of the MVDO is to promote the sport of darts in the metropolitan Saint Louis area and to maintain a favorable public posture toward darts, its participants, and its sponsoring establishments.
PDC – Professional Darts Corporation
The Professional Darts Corporation (PDC) is a professional darts organisation in the United Kingdom, established in 1992 when a group of leading players split from the British Darts Organisation (BDO) to form what was initially called the World Darts Council (WDC). Sports promoter Eddie Hearn is the PDC chairman.
The World Darts Federation (WDF) is a sport governing body[1][2] and (along with the PDC) a tournament organiser for the game of darts. It was formed in 1974 by representatives of the original fourteen founding members.[2] Membership is open to the national organising body for darts in all nations. The WDF encourages the promotion of the sport of darts among and between those bodies, in an effort to gain international recognition for darts as a major sport. The WDF is a full member of Global Association of International Sports Federations, which is the governing body for international sports federations.
Live Streaming Services
Winmau, pronounced “win more”, is a Welsh manufacturer of dartboards, other darts equipment and title sponsor of the oldest darts tournament still running, the Winmau World Masters.
Founded in 1945, Winmau was acquired by rival dartboard manufacturer Nodor in 2002. The company is based in Bridgend in south Wales.
Facebook Groups

Group created on January 5, 2023. Name last changed on March 9, 2023.
ADO Affiliates