There is nothing worse than hitting exactly what you were aiming at only to realize you didn’t leave an out. Hitting that Triple 20 or even a single 20, it’s what you were aiming at and then realizing you left your self (or worse your doubles partner) on 169. We’ve all been there. You probably even knew that 169 is a bogey out and switching to a single 19 would have left 170 out on the next turn.

Knowing and avoiding bogey numbers or bogey outs could be the difference in getting a look or not getting a look at all. Don’t leave yourself on these seven bogey numbers under 170. If for no other reason than it makes you look foolish and will give your opponent extra confidence they you don’t want them to have.

Everyone knows the bogey numbers, right? Bogey numbers are the seven (7) numbers under 170 that you cannot take out in one turn (three darts). Those bogey numbers are; 169, 168, 166, 165, 163, 162, 159

do not leave these 7 bogey outs
7 shots not to leave
169Not an out in Steel tip darts
168Not an out in Steel tip darts
166Not an out in Steel tip darts
165Not an out in Steel tip darts
163Not an out in Steel tip darts
162Not an out in Steel tip darts
159Not an out in Steel tip darts
Steel tip dart “bogey numbers”.

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